
Story: Why Is the Rabbit the Fourth Animal in the Chinese Zodiac? (Intermediate)

兔子为什么在生肖中排第四? (Tùzi wèishénme zài shēngxiāo zhōng pái dì sì?)
Hěn jiǔ yǐqián, Yùhuángdàdì dǎsuàn zài dòngwù zhōng xuǎn shí’èr gè pái shēngxiāo.
很   久 以前,玉皇大帝          打算      在     动物      中     选    十二     个 排   生肖。
Long ago, the Jade Emperor prepared to select twelve animals to be the zodiac signs.
Gēnjù guīdìng, zài zhǐdìng de nà yì tiān,
根据     规定,   在    指定   的 那 一天,
nǎ ge dòngwù xiān dào jiù huì bèi xuǎn zhòng.
哪 个   动物     先    到   就  会  被   选     中。
In accord with decree, the first twelve animals to arrive on the appointed day would be selected as the animals of the zodiac.
Huángniú yǔ tùzi yuēdìng yìqǐ cānjiā jìngsài.
黄牛         与  兔子  约定 一起  参加   竞赛。
The ox and the rabbit agreed to take part in the event together.
Zhēng shēngxiāo de rìzi zhōngyú lái le.
争          生肖        的  日子 终于    来 了。
The day arrived.
Tùzi qǐ de hěn zǎo, méi yǒu děng huángniú jiù chū fā le.
兔子起的 很   早, 没   有    等       黄牛      就   出发  了。
The rabbit got up early and started off without waiting for the ox.
Tùzi pǎo le yí zhèn zi, fāxiàn lùshang méi yǒu qí tā dòngwù de yǐngzi.
兔子 跑 了  一阵子, 发现    路上      没    有   其 它   动物   的   影子。
After running for a while……
The full story at http://resources.echineselearning.com/teens/teens-chinese-698.html?ecl=ptEEEEEEpg080501

