
Christmas Online Shopping in China

As the holiday season is coming up soon, the Christmas shopping frenzy is already around the corner. Will you do "网上购物 (wǎngshàng gòuwù) online shopping?" If so, you might be familiar with sites such as eBay and Amazon, but do you know Taobao? It is China's most popular online shopping site. According to Baidu Encyclopedia, Taobao' s "销量 (xiāoliàng) sales volume" accounts for 80% of China's online shopping market. In China, clothes, books, toys, and flowers are the "热销 (rèxiāo) hot selling" gifts online. Alipay is the "Paypal" in China, and is also an independent third-party payment platform.
"At the times of the '金融危机 (jīnróngwēijī)  financial crisis,' choosing a more economical way of shopping is necessary." Some China's online shopping "顾客 (gùkè) customers" commented. Compared with the traditional shopping methods, most people recognize that the "性价比 (xìngjiàbǐ) performance-to-price ratio" of online shopping is higher.
One unique feature of Taobao is that it offers an instant messenger called "Taobao Wangwang," where buyers can chat with their sellers. The customers can ask for specific product information, and "讨价还价 (tǎojià huánjià) bargain."
热销 (rèxiāo) n Best seller
讨价还价(tǎojià huánjià) v To bargain
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