
Do you use the Chinese word: 死 (sǐ)?

In Chinese, the word "死 (sǐ)" refers to death and is generally a taboo word with negative connotations. That being said, you can often hear the Chinese saying this word for exaggeration purposes and – just like in English – it shouldn't be taken literally. For example, when it is very hot outside, you might hear people say: "热死了 (rè sǐ le)/热死我了 (rè sǐ wǒ le) the heat is killing me." This doesn't mean that the speaker is actually close to death, but they are using "死 (sǐ)" to say that it is extremely hot. This device can be used to intensify positive situations as well, such as "高兴死了 (gāoxìng sǐ le) I am so happy/thrilled to death."
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