
Do you use the Chinese word: 死 (sǐ)?

In Chinese, the word "死 (sǐ)" refers to death and is generally a taboo word with negative connotations. That being said, you can often hear the Chinese saying this word for exaggeration purposes and – just like in English – it shouldn't be taken literally. For example, when it is very hot outside, you might hear people say: "热死了 (rè sǐ le)/热死我了 (rè sǐ wǒ le) the heat is killing me." This doesn't mean that the speaker is actually close to death, but they are using "死 (sǐ)" to say that it is extremely hot. This device can be used to intensify positive situations as well, such as "高兴死了 (gāoxìng sǐ le) I am so happy/thrilled to death."
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Read Chinese story about 七夕节 (Qīxījié) Double Seven Festival (Chinese Valentine’s Day) (Beginner)

The Double Seven Festival or Chinese Valentine’s Day is on July 7 on lunar calendar every year. Below is a story behind the festival:
Zhi Nü was said to be the youngest daughter of the queen of heaven, while Niu Lang was a poor orphan cowherd who lived a poor life with an old magical cow. One day, when the seven fairies slipped out to bathe, Niu Lang met Zhi Nü by the river and asked her to stay with him. Zhi Nü agreed and they lived happily together. However, the queen of heaven was very angry. So she had Zhi Nü brought back to heaven. Seeing his beloved wife flying in the sky, Niu Lang followed Zhi Nü into heaven with the help of the magic cowhide……
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Quotations from 姚明(yáo míng) Yao Ming

You may never doubt the excellence of Yao Ming on the basketball court. In fact, his wisdom and humor off the court are also quite impressing.
His Wisdom:
When he was asked by a Chinese reporter: "are you worried about one day you will be overtaken by a rookie?"
He answered:
zhè jiù shì b? sài, xiàng shēng huó yí yàng, méi shén me rú gu? ké y? yù liào.
Games are the same as life and are not predictable.
His Humor:
When he was asked by a reporter: "why do you get more attentions than golf star Tiger Woods does?" He answered: ……
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The popular word: 八卦(bāguà) gossip

Origin of the Phrase:
Yi Jing, also named The Book of Changes, says: "Yin and Yang form Tai Chi; Tai Chi forms two-stage; two-stage forms four-quadrant and four-quadrant forms Eight Diagrams." A founder of a gossip magazine in Hong Kong thinks that various gossip in the world are formed from what happened in the world, just like Yin and Yang breed Eight Diagrams. So the gossip magazine is named 八卦(bāguà).
Meaning of the Phrase:
In 八卦(bāguà), 八(bā) means the number eight and 卦(guà) refers to divinatory trigram. But now, 八卦(bāguà) is widely used to refer to a kind of attitude or behavior where people are keen on asking, guessing, or gossiping upon others' private affairs. So the origin meaning of 八卦(bāguà) is used less often.
Usage of the Phrase:
八卦(bāguà) can be used as noun, adjective and verb. For example:
 (1) n. gossip:
     e.g. 八卦新闻(bāguà xīnwén) gossip news
           八卦杂志(bāguà zázhì) gossip magazine
           八卦媒体(bāguà méit?) gossip media
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Chinese Tset: What does “哥们儿 (gēmenr)” mean here?

Beginner Level 初级 (chūjí)
         Gēmenr, xiàwǔ dǎ lánqiú ba.
 Mike: 哥们儿,下午  打 篮球    吧。
         Méi wèntí.
 Tom: 没   问题。
What does “哥们儿 (gēmenr)” mean here?
 A. older brother
 B. younger brother
 C. buddy
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夜猫子 (yèmāozǐ) Owl/ A Person Who Goes to Bed Late

夜猫子 (yèmāozǐ)” is the phrase for “Owl/ A person who goes to bed late.”
The character “ ()” means night; “ (māo)” means cat and “ (zi)” is used as a suffix here.
Chén Hóng xǐhuɑn zài shēnyè gōngzuò, zhēn shì gè yèmāozi.
Chen Hong likes to work late at night, just like an owl.
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对面的女孩看过来 (duì miàn de nǚ hái kàn guò lái ) A girl standing opposite me looks over here

Imagine this: A beautiful and cool girl is standing opposite a young man. He puts on his new clothes, plays his guitar and sings his favorite songs to attract her attentions. Here is a song expressing a boy's loneliness and complex feelings in this situation. It is a very popular Karaoke song in China!
Click here to listen to the song.
对面的女孩看过来    duì miàn de nǚ hái kàn guò lái   
A girl standing opposite me looks over here
看过来,看过来    kàn guò lái,     kàn guò lái     
Look over here, Look over here
这里的表演很精彩     zhè lĭ de biáo yăn hěn jīng căi   
The performances here are wonderful
请不要假装不理不睬    qĭng bú yào jiă zhuāng bù lĭ bù căi   
Please don't pretend to be cold

对面的女孩看过来    duì miàn de nǚ hái kàn guò lái   
A girl standing opposite me looks over here
看过来,看过来    kàn guò lái, kàn guò lái   
Look over here, Look over here
不要被我的样子吓坏    bú yào bèi wŏ de yàng zi xià huài     
Don't be scared by my appearance
其实我很可爱      qí shí wŏ hěn kě ài     
Actually I am very cute
寂寞男孩的悲哀      jì mò nán hái de bēi āi      
The single boys' loneliness
说出来,谁明白      shuō chū lái, shuí míng bai     
Could never be cared even I share with people
求求你抛个媚眼过来      qiú qiú nĭ pāo gè mèi yăn guò lái     
Please girl, pay attention to me
哄哄我逗我乐开怀      hŏng hŏng wŏ dòu wŏ lè kāi huái     
and I'll be very happy
我左看右看,上看下看      wŏ zuŏ kàn yòu kàn, shàng kàn xià kàn 
I keep looking around
原来每个女孩都不简单      yuán lái měi gè nǚ hái dōu bù jiăn dān     
And find that every girl is not so simple
我想了又想,我猜了又猜      wŏ xiăng le yòu xiăng, wŏ cāi le yòu cāi 
I keep guessing girls' minds
女孩们的心事还真奇怪   nǚ hái men de xīn shì hái zhēn qí guài   
And find it is hard to get what these girls are thinking
寂寞男孩的苍蝇拍      jì mò nán hái de cāng ying pāi     
The lonely boy's fly paddle
左拍拍,右拍拍      zuŏ pāi pāi, yòu pāi pāi     
is beating from right to left
为什么还是没人来爱      wèi shén me hái shì méi rén lái ài     
Why is there no girl fall in love with me
无人问津,真无奈      wú rén wèn jīn, zhēn wú nài     
I am helpless with my loneliness
Listen to the whole song at