
A story:大材小用 To waste one’s talent on a petty job

"大材小用 (dàcáixiǎoyòng)" literally means "to use big materials to do small things." It is used now to express that talented people are being misused.
Nowadays, people use the word "大材小用 (dàcáixiǎoyòng)" to describe the situation where a person is very talented but is not noticed for their talent and as a result their talent is wasted.
Key Learning Point (Preview):
大材小用 (dàcáixiǎoyòng) to waste one's talent on a petty job
Idiom Story:
Listen to the whole story
Nánsòng mò, Jīnguó búduàn nán qīn. Xīn Qìjí cānjiāle kàng jīn yì jūn.
南宋        末, 金国     不断    南    侵。辛弃疾 参加了   抗   金 义军。
At the end of the Nan Song Dynasty, the state of Jin invaded many times. Xin Qiji served in the Army.
Hòulái, tā zài cháoting lǐ lì rèn Húběi, Jiāngxī děng fǔshǐ.
后来, 他在    朝廷    里历 任   湖北、 江西    等   抚使。
Eventually, he was named governor in charge of the provinces of Hubei and Jiangxi.
Tā bùjǐn shì ge ài guó yīngxióng, hái xiěle hěn duō ài guó shīcí.
他 不仅   是  个爱 国       英雄,  还  写了  很    多  爱 国   诗词。
He was not only a patriotic hero, but also a talented poet who wrote many poems based on ……
Listen and see the whole story at http://resources.echineselearning.com/general/general-chinese-1516.html?ecl=ptEEEEEEpg080201

