
how to exchange money in chinese

These are basic Chinese conversations with Pinyin, and topics covering various aspects of living in China. They will guide you in improving your oral Chinese language by simulating various daily activity situations. Each Chinese lesson will be followed by language tips, useful sentences and phrases, new Chinese characters and related Chinese culture points.
A: 劳驾,我想把美元换成人民币。
Láojià, wŏ xiăng bă mĕi yuán huàn chéng Rén mín bì.
    Excuse me, I'd like to exchange some US dollars for
B: 请您先填张兑换单。
Qĭng nín xiān tián yī zhāng duìhuàn dān.
    Fill in the exchange form first, please.
A: 我填好了。
Wŏ tiān hăo le.
    I've finished the form.
B: 请稍等。这是您的钱。
Qĭng shāo dĕng. Zhè shì nín de qián.
    Wait a moment, please. Here is your money.
A: 谢谢。
    Thank you.
Chinese Money is called RMB, which is acronym for "Renminbi" meaning the people's currency. The basic unit of RMB is yuan, whose biggest denomination is one hundred. The recent rate for US dollars to RMB is approximately 1:6.82. That is to say, one hundred dollars equal to about 682 yuan.

