
男生如何邀请女生 When a Boy Invites a Girl (Intermediate)

Chinese Conversation (Intermediate)
男生如何邀请女生 (Nánshēng rúhé yāoqĭng nǚshēng) When a Boy Invites a Girl
        Zuìjìn máng shénme ne?
Boy: 最近    忙       什么    呢?
        What have you been busy doing recently?              
        Kuài kăoshì le, mángzhe fùxí  ne!  Zhè jĭ tiān yìzhí mái zài shūduī lĭ  ne!
Girl: 快     考试    了, 忙 着  复习 呢!这 几 天 一直   埋 在   书堆里  呢!
        Exams are approaching, and I'm busy reviewing the books to prepare for them. I'm buried in a pile of books these days.              
         Nĭ yě  tài yònggōng le  ba! Xiàwŭ chūqù sànbù, zěnme yàng?
Boy: 你 也 太      用功     了  吧!下午    出去     散步,怎么     样?
        You're too serious about your studies! What about going for a walk this afternoon?                
        Wǒ kě méiyǒu nĭ nàyàng de xiánqíngyìzhì!
Girl: 我   可   没有    你 那样     的   闲情逸致!
        I don't have the leisure time and carefree mood as you do.                 
         Bié a!   Nĭ méi tīngshuō "zhĭ gōngzuò  bù wánshuă cōngmíng háizi yě biànshă" ma?
Boy: 别 啊!你 没    听说     “只    工作     不     玩耍        聪明     孩子 也    变傻” 吗?       
         Nĭ nándào xiăng biànchéng shăzi ma?                
        你 难道      想      变成          傻子   吗?
        Oh, come on. Haven't you ever heard "All work and no play make Jack a fool?" Do you want to become a fool?             
        Nà hăo ba!  Wǒ kě bùxiăng bèi nĭ shuō chéng shăzi.  Wǒmen chūqù sànbù ba!
Girl: 那 好  吧! 我 可 不想       被 你 说      成      傻子。  我们      出去   散步  吧!
        Ok! I don't want to be called a fool. Let's go for a walk!
Vocabulary and audio about this at http://resources.echineselearning.com/teens/teens-chinese-674.html?ecl=ptEEEEEEpg080205

