
Chinese Story for Kids: The Story of the Gecko’s Tail

Read the story for kids in our online Chinese lessons:
Yì zhī xiǎo bìhǔ zhèng pā zài qiáng shàng zhuō wénzi.
一 只 小    壁虎   正     趴 在   墙      上      捉     蚊子。
A gecko was crawling on a wall to catch mosquitoes.
Tūrán, yì tiáo shé yǎozhù le tā de wěiba.
突然,一 条   蛇    咬住    了它 的 尾巴。
Suddenly, a snake gripped his tail with its teeth.
Xiǎo bìhǔ zhèngduàn le wěiba táopǎo le.
小     壁虎      挣断      了 尾巴    逃跑  了。
The gecko ran away, but its tail was broken.
Tā xīnxiǎng: "Méiyǒu wěiba duō chǒu a!"
它  心想:     “没有    尾巴   多   丑   啊!”
"I'm so ugly without a tail!" the gecko thought.
Yúshì tā juédìng qù jiè yì tiáo wěiba.
于是  它   决定    去 借一 条 尾巴。
So he decided to borrow a tail from others.
Kàndào xiǎo yú zài shuǐ lǐ kuàile de yóuláiyóuqù,
看到       小   鱼 在 水  里 快乐   地    游来游去,
When he saw the fish swaying her tail and swimming merrily in the river,
Tān wèn, "Xiǎo yú jiějie, nǐ néng bǎ wěiba jiègěi wǒ ma?"
它     问:“小  鱼 姐姐,你  能  把   尾巴  借给  我 吗?”
"he asked, "Sister Fish, can you lend your tail to me?"
Xiǎo yú shuō, "Duìbùqǐ, wǒ hái yào yòng tā yóuyǒng ne."
小    鱼   说,“对不起,我 还   要    用   它    游泳   呢。”
The fish answered, "I am sorry. I have to use it for swimming."
Xiǎo bìhǔ yòu kàn dào yànzi zài tiānkōng fēi.
小     壁虎 又   看   到   燕子 在    天空    飞。
Then he saw a swallow ………
What happened small gecko's tail later? Click here and see it http://resources.echineselearning.com/kids/kids-chinese-644.html?ecl=ptEEEEEEpg081505 

