
爱屋及乌 (Àiwūjíwū) Love Me, Love My Dog

In this Chinese idiom “爱屋及乌 (àiwūjíwū) Love me, love my dog,” “爱” means “like” or “love;” “屋” refers to “house;” ”及” is a conjunction which means “and;” ”乌” refers to “乌鸦 (wūyā),” which is “crow.”
“爱屋及乌” is a Chinese idiom originally from a story in history long time ago:
Shāngcháo mò nián, Zhōu Wǔwáng zài Jiāng Shàng (tàigōng) děng rén de bāngzhù xià,
商朝             末   年,    周      武王    在    姜    尚     (太公)    等     人 的    帮助     下,
chūbīng tǎofá Zhòuwáng bìng qǔ dé shènglì.
出兵       讨伐     纣王       并     取 得   胜利。
At the end of Shang dynasty, assisted by his counselorJiangshang (taigong) and other capable men, King Zhou Wuwang successfully attacked and killed Zhouwang, anotherKing.
Zhòuwáng sǐhòu, Wǔwáng gǎn dào tiānxià bìng méiyǒu āndìng.
纣王           死后, 武王      感   到      天下   并     没有    安定。
After Zhouwang died, Wuwang still felt anxious since the country was still unstable.
Tā wèn Jiāng tàigōng: “Jìnle Yīndū, yīnggāi rúhé ānpái  jiù wángcháo de guānyuán ne?”
他   问     姜    太公:“ 进了 殷都,应该     如何   安排 旧     王朝      的    官员       呢”?
He asked Jiang taigong: “After we enter the capital Yin, how should we deal with Yin’s officers?”
Jiāng tàigōng shuō:  “Wǒ tīngshuō guò zhèyàng de huà—rúguǒ xǐhuān nà gè rén,
姜      太公        说:“我     听说      过    这样     的  话—— 如果   喜欢   那 个 人,
jiù lián tā wūdǐng shàng de wūyā yě xǐhuān;
就 连 他   屋顶       上    的 乌鸦 也 喜欢;
rúguǒ bù xǐhuān nà gè rén, jiù lián tā jiā  de qiángbì hé  líba  yě tǎoyàn.
如果    不 喜欢   那 个 人,就 连 他 家 的   墙壁     和  篱笆 也 讨厌。
Jiang taigong said, “I’ve heard of a saying–if you love a person, you should also love the crows on his roof; if you hate somebody …
See full story and click here

